Criminal Defense Lawyers in Dubai

Violent Crimes in UAE

Leading Criminal Defense Firm in Dubai Fights for Your Rights

Violent Crimes Lawyer

Law firm specializing in Violent Crimes

At Al Sabhan &CO. We understand that navigating the legal landscape can be challenging, especially when facing complex legal issues. As a leading law firm in Dubai, we are dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive legal services to our clients, addressing their unique concerns with expertise and compassion.

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Unmasking the Dark Realities

Decoding the Complexity of Violent Crimes

Violent crimes encompass a range of offenses characterized by the use of force, threat, or harm against another person. These crimes can result in physical or psychological injury and often involve acts such as assault, homicide, rape, and robbery. Understanding the nature of violent crimes is crucial for recognizing their gravity and implementing effective measures to prevent and address them.

Case Study: A Success Story

Resolving Violent Crime Cases

In this case study, we will explore a real-life example that showcases the expertise and success of our law firm in resolving a violent crime case. With over 20 years of experience in the legal field in Dubai, our firm has consistently demonstrated a commitment to providing effective legal representation and achieving favorable outcomes for our clients.

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Case Overview:

John, a 35-year-old resident of Dubai, was accused of committing an aggravated assault against a fellow shopper at Center Mall. The incident took place on January 15, 20XX, and involved a physical altercation resulting in severe injuries to the victim. John Stevens was arrested at the scene by local law enforcement and charged with assault.

Legal Strategy and Approach:

Upon being retained as John Stevens' defense counsel, our experienced legal team embarked on a comprehensive strategy to ensure the best possible outcome for our client. The key elements of our approach included:

Thorough Case Investigation

We conducted a meticulous investigation, gathering all available evidence, including surveillance footage, witness statements, and medical records. This allowed us to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the incident and build a strong defense.

Expert Witness Testimony

We enlisted the expertise of medical professionals and forensic experts to provide testimony regarding the extent of the injuries sustained by the victim. Their testimony played a crucial role in challenging the prosecution's claims and establishing a more accurate representation of the events.

Examination of Surveillance Footage

We carefully reviewed the surveillance footage from the mall to identify any mitigating factors or evidence that could support our client's case. This included analyzing the actions of both parties involved and identifying any potential instigation or self-defense elements.

Development of a Solid Defense Strategy

Based on the evidence and our client's account, we crafted a strong defense strategy. This involved presenting evidence of self-defense and mitigating circumstances that could explain our client's actions during the incident.
Legal Strategy and Approach:

After a rigorous legal battle, our defense team successfully presented the evidence and arguments supporting John Stevens' claim of self-defense. The jury deliberated and delivered a verdict of not guilty on the charge of aggravated assault. Consequently, our client was acquitted and spared the potential severe penalties associated with the offense.
This case study exemplifies our law firm's ability to handle complex violent crime cases, employing a strategic and meticulous approach to secure favorable outcomes for our clients.
Our unwavering dedication to defending our clients' rights and leveraging our extensive legal knowledge and experience has made us a trusted and respected legal institution in Dubai.

committed to providing exceptional legal representation

How We Work on Violent crimes



We begin with a confidential consultation, listening to your case details and understanding your unique situation.


Our team conducts a thorough investigation, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing relevant information.

Types of Violent Crimes

Violent crimes can be classified into various categories based on the nature and severity of the offense. Some common types of violent crimes include:

Types of Violent Crimes

Violent crimes can be classified into various categories based on the nature and severity of the offense. Some common types of violent crimes include:


Assault refers to the intentional act of causing apprehension or fear of immediate harm through physical force or the threat of physical force. It can range from simple assaults to aggravated assaults involving weapons or severe injuries.


Homicide involves the unlawful killing of another person. It encompasses different degrees of severity, such as murder (intentional killing), manslaughter (unintentional killing), and justifiable homicide (killing in self-defense or defense of others).

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault involves non-consensual sexual acts perpetrated against an individual without their consent. This includes rape, sexual battery, and other forms of sexual violence.


Robbery is the act of taking or attempting to take another person's property by force, threat, or intimidation. It often involves the use of weapons or the threat of violence to instill fear in the victim.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence refers to violent acts committed within familial or intimate relationships. It can encompass physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, and it affects individuals of all genders and ages.

Hate Crimes

Hate crimes are motivated by bias, prejudice, or hatred based on characteristics such as race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. These crimes target individuals or groups and aim to intimidate or harm them based on their identity.
violent crimes

Consequences of violent crimes & penalty in UAE

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), violent crimes carry severe consequences and penalties in accordance with the country's legal system. It is important to understand the potential outcomes for those involved in such offenses. Here are some key points regarding the consequences of violent crimes and the corresponding penalties under UAE law:

Physical and Psychological Impact

Violent crimes often result in significant physical injuries, trauma, and long-lasting psychological effects for the victims. The impact on their overall well-being and quality of life can be substantial.

Legal Consequences

Perpetrators of violent crimes face legal repercussions based on the severity of the offense and the specific circumstances. UAE law considers various factors, including the nature of the crime, the extent of harm inflicted, and the presence of any aggravating factors.


Violent crimes in the UAE can lead to significant terms of imprisonment. The duration of the sentence depends on the specific offense committed, with more severe crimes resulting in longer imprisonment periods.


In addition to imprisonment, the court may impose financial penalties, known as fines, on individuals convicted of violent crimes. The amount of the fine varies depending on the offense and the court's discretion.

Rehabilitation Programs

The UAE emphasizes rehabilitation as part of its criminal justice system. In certain cases, individuals convicted of violent crimes may be required to undergo rehabilitation programs aimed at addressing their behavior and reintegrating them into society.

Compensation to Victims

Courts in the UAE can order perpetrators of violent crimes to provide financial compensation to the victims for any physical, emotional, or material damages suffered as a result of the offense.
violent crimes Lawyer

It is essential to consult with a qualified legal professional for detailed information about the specific consequences and penalties applicable to a particular violent crime case. Legal experts can provide guidance tailored to the individual circumstances and help navigate the legal process while protecting the rights of those involved.

Violent Crimes cases

What to Do If Arrested in Violent Crimes ?

If you find yourself arrested in connection with a violent crime, it is crucial to take appropriate steps to protect your rights and navigate the legal process effectively. Here are some actions to consider:

Remain Calm

It is essential to stay calm and avoid acting aggressively or violently. Anything you say or do can be used against you in court, so maintaining composure is crucial.

Seek Legal Representation

Contact a qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A skilled lawyer will guide you through the legal proceedings, protect your rights, and provide you with advice tailored to your specific case.

Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent

It is generally advisable to exercise your right to remain silent until you have consulted with your attorney. Law enforcement may attempt to gather evidence or elicit statements from you, so it is important to refrain from making any self-incriminating statements without legal counsel.

Cooperate Within Legal Boundaries

While it is crucial to consult with your attorney before providing any information to law enforcement, it is also important to comply with lawful requests. Respecting legal boundaries can help prevent further complications in your case.
Violent Crimes cases

Facing Issues with Violent Crimes

If you are a victim or facing issues related to violent crimes, there are steps you can take to address the situation and seek assistance:

Report the Crime

Contact local law enforcement authorities immediately to report the incident. Provide them with all relevant details, evidence, and information related to the crime.

Seek Medical Attention

If you have sustained injuries, seek medical attention promptly. Your health and well-being are of utmost importance, and medical documentation can be valuable evidence in legal proceedings.

Consult with Legal Professionals

Engage the services of an experienced attorney who specializes in handling cases related to violent crimes. They can advise you on your legal rights, assist in filing necessary legal documents, and represent you throughout the legal process.
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Discover Frequently Asked Questions from Our Support

Violent crimes in Dubai encompass offenses involving physical force, threat, or harm against another person. Examples include assault, homicide, sexual assault, robbery, domestic violence, and hate crimes.

The legal system in Dubai follows established procedures for investigating, prosecuting, and adjudicating violent crime cases. Law enforcement agencies conduct investigations, and the Public Prosecution presents the case in court. The court then decides guilt or innocence and imposes appropriate penalties.

Penalties for violent crimes in Dubai vary depending on the specific offense and its severity. They can range from fines and imprisonment to more severe penalties, including life imprisonment or even the death penalty for certain crimes like murder.

If you are a victim of a violent crime in Dubai, it is crucial to ensure your immediate safety and seek medical attention if needed. Report the incident to the local authorities and provide them with all relevant information and evidence. Contact support organizations specializing in assisting victims of violent crimes for further assistance and guidance.

If you are accused of a violent crime in Dubai, you have several legal rights, including the right to remain silent, the right to legal representation, the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the right to a fair trial. It is important to consult with a skilled criminal defense attorney to understand and protect your rights throughout the legal process.

The concept of self-defense exists in the legal system in Dubai. If you believe that you acted in self-defense during a violent incident, it is crucial to consult with a legal professional who can assess the circumstances of the case and advise you on the best course of action.

The duration of resolving a violent crime case in Dubai can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, the availability of evidence, and the court’s schedule. Some cases can be resolved within months, while others may take longer, depending on the circumstances and legal proceedings.

Evidence plays a crucial role in violent crime cases in Dubai. It helps establish the facts, support or challenge claims, and guide the decision-making process. Evidence can include witness testimonies, physical evidence, forensic analysis, surveillance footage, and expert witness reports.

Yes, it is possible to appeal a verdict in a violent crime case in Dubai. If you believe there were legal errors, procedural irregularities, or new evidence that can affect the outcome of your case, consult with an appellate attorney who can guide you through the appeals process.

Yes, it is possible to appeal a verdict in a violent crime case in Dubai. If you believe there were legal errors, procedural irregularities, or new evidence that can affect the outcome of your case, consult with an appellate attorney who can guide you through the appeals process.

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